Programmatic Advertising Made Easy

Looking for a Criteo alternative?

Find out below what Match2One has to offer compared to it's competitors.

Join hundreds of brands growing with Match2One

Quick setup

Lengthy contracts and complicated systems are a thing of the past – with Match2One you can start right away. Our platform is self-serving and easy to use and transparent, which means you can achieve measurable results with less manpower. Feel like you need some assistance? Our Customer Success Team is always there for you.

Book a call

Transparent reporting

Welcome to reporting that is truly transparent. Visit the dashboard to see exactly where, when and how your conversions were generated. No hidden fees.

Global premium ad inventory

Millions of premium websites and apps across all major ad exchanges are at your service. Our global inventory partnerships provide class-leading ad fraud detection and the option to whitelist and blacklist your campaigns right from the platform.

Achieve more with AI powered display advertising
Achieve more with AI powered display advertising

AI-driven optimisation

Our AI Clara will do the hard work for you. Clara will collect user data and form an optimisation pattern, delivering great results even on a small budget. Ads will then be shown to new online audiences with the highest probability of becoming customers, based on a wide range of variables such as:

  • Geography
  • User sessions
  • Device
  • URL
  • Placement
  • Time of the day
  • Browser
  • +100s more

What our customers say.

Haris Serhatlic

Head of Marketing Department

Med Match2One har vi sett en stor träffsäkerhet. Jag rekommenderar Match2One alla dagar i veckan.

How they did it

Ashkan Nemati

Head of Digital Marketing

“M2O consistently performs in terms of new traders and return on ad spend. Tracking post-view conversions is extremely useful as we can attribute a certain portion of the revenue to post-conversions. It is a feature that not many advertising platforms offer, and it works great.”

How they did it

Felicia Lindström

Digital Engagement Strategist

“Match2One har ett riktigt vasst team! Jag tror inte att vi hade testat programmatic om inte det vore för den fantastiska supporten vi fått från Match2One”

How they did it

Emil Wallerstedt

Growth Specialist

“Effektiva marknadsförare köper digitala annonser programmatiskt. Det är det mest kostnadseffektiva sättet att synas och nå rätt målgrupp vid rätt tidpunkt.”

How they did it

Natalie Forslind

Growth Marketer

”Det funkade fint att jobba ihop med Match2One och deras plattform är enkel och smidig att använda och dessutom visuellt tilltalande – särskilt den nya plattformen. Det är stor skillnad mot till exempel Google Ads som ofta blir stökigt att jobba med. Så vi kommer absolut att fortsätta med samarbetet och programmatisk annonsering.”

How they did it

How to get started

Install tracking

1. Install tracking

Once you set up website tracking, our AI can start learning about your audience and collect data that will help draw them to you. Need help setting up? If you can’t find the answer in our help section the support team is always available!

Create campaign

2. Create campaign

If you know what results you’re after, launching a campaign is easy. Decide on your goals, follow a few simple steps to set up your campaign strategy, create banners, hit launch and let our AI auto-pilot take over.

Set budget

3. Set budget

Choose the payment method that is most convenient for you: pay by card using Visa, Mastercard or American Express or top up your account by paying an invoice with an online banking transfer.

See results

4. See results

Once your campaign is up and running, you can track the results in real-time. See which exact websites and apps your ads have been displayed on and which ones are performing the best.

Global Ad Inventory